
  • Melvita Organic Sweet Almond Oil 50ml

    Melvita Sweet Almond Oil 50ml is a moisturising and soothing face and body oil that is suitable for all skin types.

    For which type of skin ?

    All skin types (✔Normal ✔Oily ✔Combination ✔Dry ✔Sensitive)

    Melvita Sweet Almond Oil 50ml is a moisturising and soothing face and body oil that is suitable for all skin types.

    Orign : France
    Content : 50 ml

  • Melvita Orgnaic White Teeth Toothpaste 75ml

    Dive into a fluoride-free, eco-friendly oral care routine that not only promises fresh breath but also delivers visibly whiter teeth with every brush, certified organic & made without harsh chemicals. Vegan.

    Peppermint-infused formula that combines the whitening power of Guérande salt, bamboo powder, and sodium bicarbonate. Dive into a fluoride-free, eco-friendly oral care routine that not only promises fresh breath but also delivers visibly whiter teeth with every brush, certified organic & made without harsh chemicals. Vegan.

    Origin : France
    Content : 75 ml

  • Melvita Witch Hazel Virginiana Water 200ml

    Melvita Witch Hazel Virginiana Water 200ml is ideal to perfect the make-up, tone and unify the complexion.

    Recommanded for which type of skin ?
    ✔Dry ✔Sensitive


    Melvita Witch Hazel Virginiana Water 200ml is ideal to perfect the make-up, tone and unify the complexion, but not only!

    Also well-known for its tonic, astringent and purifying qualities. A must have from Melvita .


    Origin : France
    Content : 200 ml

  • Milton Baby Bottle Cleaner 500ml

    Eco-friendly, 100% plant-based solution designed to effectively remove residue & harmful bacteria from baby feeding equipment.

    Eco-friendly, 100% plant-based solution designed to effectively remove milk residue and harmful bacteria from baby feeding equipment.
    This biodegradable, fragrance-free formula is dermatologically tested for sensitive skin, ECOCERT certified, and made in France, offering parents a safe and environmentally conscious option for cleaning all baby and family items without harsh chemicals or animal-derived ingredients.
    Origin : France
    Content : 500 ml

  • Vitamont Pure organic sicilian lemon juice 250ml

    A refreshing, 100% pure lemon juice perfect for cooking, cocktails, or making lemonade.

    A refreshing, 100% pure lemon juice perfect for cooking, cocktails, or making lemonade.
    Sourced from ripe, organically farmed lemons in Sicily, it offers a vibrant flavor without added sugars or preservatives.


    Origin : Italy
    Content : 250 ml

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