
  • Vitamont Pure organic sicilian lemon juice 250ml

    A refreshing, 100% pure lemon juice perfect for cooking, cocktails, or making lemonade.

    A refreshing, 100% pure lemon juice perfect for cooking, cocktails, or making lemonade.
    Sourced from ripe, organically farmed lemons in Sicily, it offers a vibrant flavor without added sugars or preservatives.


    Origin : Italy
    Content : 250 ml

  • Melvita Nectar Pur SOS Roll-On Targeted Action Organic 5ml

    Melvita Nectar Pur SOS Roll-On is an organic solution for tackling blemishes effectively

    Melvita Nectar Pur SOS Roll-On is an organic solution for tackling blemishes effectively. Enriched with peppermint and tea tree oils, this roll-on provides targeted action to purify the skin and reduce imperfections visibly in just one day.


    Origin : France
    Content : 5ml

  • Melvita Nectar Pur Mask & Scrub 75ml

    Melvita Nectar Pur Mask & Scrub is a dual-action treatment that purifies and exfoliates combination to oily skin.

    Melvita Nectar Pur Mask & Scrub is a dual-action treatment that purifies and exfoliates combination to oily skin.
    Enriched with peppermint oil, this organic formula effectively removes excess sebum and refines skin texture for a clearer, healthier complexion.


    Origin : France
    Content : 75ml

  • Melvita Orgnaic White Teeth Toothpaste 75ml

    Dive into a fluoride-free, eco-friendly oral care routine that not only promises fresh breath but also delivers visibly whiter teeth with every brush, certified organic & made without harsh chemicals. Vegan.

    Peppermint-infused formula that combines the whitening power of Guérande salt, bamboo powder, and sodium bicarbonate. Dive into a fluoride-free, eco-friendly oral care routine that not only promises fresh breath but also delivers visibly whiter teeth with every brush, certified organic & made without harsh chemicals. Vegan.

    Origin : France
    Content : 75 ml

  • Melvita Organic Children Toothpaste 75ml

    A gentle, fluoride-free formula for the little ones.

    A gentle, fluoride-free formula for the little ones.
    Made in France with 99% natural ingredients, it ensures a safe, enjoyable clean for kids over 3 years old , promoting healthy smiles with every brush. Vegan.


    Origin : France
    Content : 75 ml

  • Melvita Organic Sensitive Gums Toothpaste 75ml

    A fluoride-free formula from France that combines rosemary and star anise to gently care for sensitive gums while ensuring a naturally fresh, clean feeling.

    A fluoride-free formula from France that combines rosemary and star anise to gently care for sensitive gums while ensuring a naturally fresh, clean feeling.

    With 99% natural ingredients, this Ecocert Greenlife certified toothpaste is the perfect blend of effective oral hygiene and gentle gum care, making every brush a step towards healthier, happier smiles. Vegan


    Origin : France
    Content : 75 ml

  • Melvita Organic Pure Mint Toothpaste 75ml

    A natural, fluoride-free solution made in France, that combines peppermint and green tea for unparalleled oral hygiene and breath freshness.

    A natural, fluoride-free solution made in France, that combines peppermint and green tea for unparalleled oral hygiene and breath freshness.
    Certified organic & vegan, it promises a clean, fresh mouthfeel with every brush, setting a new standard for natural toothcare.

    Origin : France
    Content : 75 ml

  • Melvita Organic Argan Oil Perfumed with Rose Essential Oil 50ml

    It leaves on the skin and hair, a gentle scent of Rose. It offers a smoother skin.

    Known for its revitalizing and protective properties, Argan oil reveals the skin youth. Fragranced, it leaves on the skin and hair, a gentle scent of Rose.
    It offers a smoother skin. It is packed in an applicator flask patented 2-in-1 Préciplume that releases the perfect dose, adapted to all the needs.


    Origin : France
    Content : 50 ml

  • Melvita Organic Lavender Officinalis Floral Water Spray Bottle 200ml

    Designed to tone, balance, and refine your complexion with every spritz.

    Recommended for which type of skin ?
    ✔Normal ✔Combination ✔Oily
    Designed to tone, balance, and refine your complexion with every spritz. Harvested at high altitudes to ensure unparalleled purity, this organic floral water, packed in 100% recycled bottles, offers a refreshing boost to normal to combination skin, leaving it perfectly cleansed and radiant without the need for rinsing.


    Origin : France
    Content : 200 ml

  • Melvita Organic Source de Roses Extraordinary Water 150ml

    hydrates, balances, and preps your skin, making it a must-have for your daily skincare ritual.

    Suitable for which type of skin ?
    All skin types .


    Perfect for all skin types, this 150 ml elixir hydrates, balances, and preps your skin with 99% natural ingredients, making it a must-have for your daily skincare ritual.

  • Elmex Toothpaste for Baby from 0-2 years old 50ml

    Specifically designed for 0-2 year-olds, ensures the best oral care for your little one's milk teeth with its triple protective fluoride formula.

    Specifically designed for 0-2 year-olds, ensures the best oral care for your little one’s milk teeth with its triple protective fluoride formula.
    This 50ml dental champion strengthens enamel, prevents mineral loss, and is dye-free, making it the perfect choice for your baby’s first teeth.

    Content : 50 ml

  • Melvita Organic L’Or Rose Firming Oil-in-Balm 170ml

    Gently firm & nourish skin. It helps reduce the orange peel appearance & for a smoother and more toned look.

    Suitable for which type of skin ?

    All skin types .


    Helps to gently firm and nourish the skin .

    It helps reduce the orange peel appearance and for a smoother and more toned look.



    Origin : France
    Content : 170 ml

  • Melvita Organic Gentle Micellar Water 300ml

    Leaving your skin hydrated and refreshed with a delightful natural fragrance. 99% natural ingredients.

    Suitable for which type of skin ?

    All skin types .
    A minimalist formula with organic Aloe vera, leaving your skin hydrated and refreshed with a delightful natural fragrance.
    It’s perfect for gentle makeup removal and face and eye cleansing, with 99% natural ingredients and vegan-friendly.
    Origin : France
    Content : 300 ml

  • Melvita Organic Supreme Nectar Eye & Lip Contour 15 ml

    Say "adieu" to tired eyes, pesky wrinkles & hello to a fresh, revitalized look that defies time!

    Suitable for which type of skin ?
    All skin types .


    Anti-aging skincare infused with patented, nature-inspired ingredients, promises to rejuvenate your eyes & lips, smoothing fine lines, firming skin, and illuminating your natural glow.
    Say “adieu” to tired eyes, pesky wrinkles & hello to a fresh, revitalized look that defies time!
    Perfume-free and gentle, it’s a sensitive skin’s best friend.


    Origin : France
    Content : 15 ml

  • Melvita Organic Nectar de Lumière Brightening Expert Serum 30ml

    Embrace glowing, rejuvenated skin! Experience radiant, revitalized skin with this organic serum!

    Suitable for which type of skin ?
    All skin types


    Embrace glowing, rejuvenated skin! Experience radiant, revitalized skin with this shimmering organic serum! It effectively combats a range of skin imperfections, such as age spots, sun damage, melasma, and post-acne marks, to provide a beautifully glowing complexion.



    Origin : France
    Content : 30 ml

  • Melvita Organic Extra-Gentle Family Shampoo 1000ml

    Organic Honey & lime-infused delight for daily use. Gentle, brings out hair's natural shine.

    Suitable for which type of hair ?
    All hair types .


    Organic Honey & lime-infused delight gentle enough for daily use and tough enough to bring out your hair’s natural shine.
    Supporting green initiatives, each purchase is a step towards sustainability with 100% recyclable packaging, making it a perfect choice for eco-conscious families.


  • Melvita Organic Nectar de Lumière Perfecting Brightening Cream 50ml

    It hydrates, soothes & brightens your complexion leaving you glowing from within.

    Suitable for which type of skin ?
    All skin types .


    Reveal your natural radiance !Infused with 99% natural ingredients including iridescent algae and PHA extracted from agave, hydrates, soothes & brightens your complexion leaving you glowing from within. Say goodbye to dull, dehydrated skin and hello to healthy, happy, youthfully luminous skin.


    Origin : France
    Content : 50 ml

  • Melvita Organic Gentle Care Shampoo Flower Honey & Orange Blosson 500ml

    A nutrient-rich blend of organic orange blossom water, wildflower honey, and oatmeal extract.

    Recommended for which type of hair ?
    ✔Dry ✔Sensitive/Fragile


    A nutrient-rich blend of organic orange blossom water, wildflower honey, and oatmeal extract.
    Say goodbye to dry, damaged hair and hello to a softer, stronger mane with this sulfate & paraffin-free, eco-friendly solution.

  • Melvita Organic Source de Roses Hydra-Plumping Cream 50 ml

    This skin-loving elixir deeply hydrates and rejuvenates, while smoothing out fine lines caused by dehydration.

    Suitable for which type of skin ?

    All skin types .


    Experience the revitalizing power of Melvita’s Plumping Moisturizer, enriched with Hyaluronic Acid and potent 99% of natural ingredients.
    Unveil a youthful, radiant complexion as this innovative formula deeply hydrates, rejuvenates, and fortifies your skin.


    Origin : France
    Content : 50 ml

  • Cattier Organic Purple Clay Mask Anti-Fatigue Vitality 100ml

    A complex of energizing active ingredients is the ideal treatment for tired skin lacking vitality.

    Suitable for which type of skin ?
    All skin types .
    A complex of energizing active ingredients is the ideal treatment for tired skin lacking vitality.
    Enriched with a complex of energizing fruit ingredients, the skin’s radiance is naturally revealed.

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